If your child is older than 3, your child can take a 25 min online lesson with a native English speaker at Global Step Academy three times a month for a free of charge while registered at NYC International School.
Our curriculums are made by teachers who have been in English education for more than 20 years.
9:00-朝の挨拶、レゴなどのブロックで遊ぶ Greetings and free play
9:30-サークルタイム (歌、数字、色、単語など)Circle time (singing, numbers, colors, words)
10:30-トイレ休憩 (toilet break)
10:40- スナックタイム (snack time)
11:00-屋外活動 (outside play)
11:15- 工作、色ぬり (art and craft, worksheet, weekly theme)
11:45-ストーリータイム (story time)
12:00- お昼 (lunch)
13:00-サイエンス、社会学、読解、問題集 (worksheet, science, reading, weekly theme)
13:45-ストーリータイム (story time)
14:00-15:00 延長あり (extension, free time/English movie)
15:00-18:00(18:30)NYCのAfter Schoolや英会話レッスンに3歳以上参加できます (If your child is 3 years and older, she/he can participate in NYC English schools or after school activities)